Climate Tech Investment Network

  • Accelerating the flow of


    into Developing Asia's


  • Climate Tech Deal Tracker
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Accelerating the flow of


into Developing Asia’s


What we do

Climate Tech Investment Network (CTIN) provides investment syndication support services to institutional investors and angel networks through a deal-flow centric platform to catalyze early-stage capital into Climate Tech startups in Developing Asia.

The Problem

There is too little early-stage investment in the Climate Tech sector in Developing Asia as VCs and Angels face a number of barriers that make it difficult to justify the “cost” of dedicating time and resources to the Climate Tech sector today.

These barriers include:

Limited domain expertise
in Climate Tech
Limited access to quality
Climate Tech deal flow

Limited clarity on follow-on
investments & exits

Limited number of experienced
Climate Tech early-stage investors to
lead investments

CTIN’s Solution

CTIN aims to spur investments in the Climate Tech sector by supporting institutional investors and angel networks who are keen to invest in this space. We deliver this value by creating pre-vetted Climate Tech deal flow and showcasing the same during:

Bi-annual Investment Summits

Monthly Pitch Days

Additionally, CTIN offers support in the form of:

Investor Education Workshops

Technical Due Diligence Support

Research Support

CTIN’s Deal Flow Centric Platform

How it works

Who We Work With

Local Angel Investment Networks

Early-Stage VCs

Follow-on Capital

Are you an early-stage Climate Tech founder looking for an opportunity to pitch to our network of angel networks, VCs, CVCs, and Impact Funds?

Fill this form, and our Capital team will be in touch shortly!

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